Minggu, 18 Januari 2015

Holiday Project (1)

For the first time when I went to the book store I felt disappointed. There were no novels made me enjoyed to read them. After looking around and around, I found a book related to my lecture “economic sociology”. But sorry, I put it back as I am in holiday.  
After that, I went to the other bookshelves and I found a novel “Gerobak Lee Myung-Bak”. Who is he? Is he a famous Korean artist? Absolutely NOT! He is a former South Korean President. I was interested in this novel because the author is he himself. I hope i can learn form his life of experience.  
For about a half hour I looked around again, but I didn’t find more novels. So, I decided to go home. When I went downstairs, I saw “Api Tauhid”. It was not impressing as the cover too hard to read. But, who is the author? Yes! Habiburrahman El Shirazy. He is a good author. Most of his novels are best seller and mega best seller in Indonesia. Without thinking deeply, I bought two novels.
I couldn’t wait to read! Yes I finished reading in four days for 969 pages. Today, I am writing the resume of the novel “Gerobak Lee Myung-Bak”. Tomorrow I will write the resume of novel “Api Tauhid”. Just wait ya
Lee was born form a poor family. Several years after he was born, South Korean and North Korean declared a war. The war made Lee and his family moved from house to house. Poverty in his family made Lee sold ice cream, fruit and rice. 
In my point view, I can conclude at least there are for lessons:
a.    Be different
In University, Lee was not a popular student because he was busy to work. Everyday, he had to be a dustman from evening until night. He did it pay his study in Korea University. When there was an election of the Chairman of the Student Council at the faculty, he joined it. Personally, He would like to change himself and be closer to his friends. Surprisingly, he won the election in the condition justice and democracy. Lee and several students were pioneers of student demonstration who wanted democracy in South Korea. (It called April 19 Movement. Like 1998 movement in Indonesia)
b.    As long as it’s true, just do it
Getting a job in Hyundai Construction (construction building) wasn’t easy for Lee, because He was recorded as a pioneer of April 19 Movement. He wrote a letter to President Park Chung-hee. He asked for the President about guaranty freedom in order to be able to work. Fortunately, he got a job at accounting department. His achievement and consistency in his principle made him to be appointed director of Hyundai Construction. To promote Hyundai construction in other countries, Lee had to meet the president of Irak (one of president he met). Sometimes he had to go into political consideration. His last position before leaving Hyundai construction was CEO of Hyundai Constraction.
c.         The Mayor of Seoul
In 1992, Lee made the transition from business to politics. He started his political career as in Korea national assembly. Before became a mayor of Seoul, he and his wife went to Washington DC in 1998 and learnt about bussines management and the science of administration in George Washington University. Lee was interested in Big Dig project in downtown Boston. This project was prepared by government to face 21 century.

“Considering of that In Seoul there is Cheonggyecheon River that for more than fourty years, Cheonggyecheon environment is the most chaotic and most jammed in Seoul.  Under the toll roads there are many small shops, street vendors, and kiosks. Almost  170.000 cars passing  in highway Cheonggye per day. Although improving efforts to prevent these potential dangers happen, but the streets are still jammed.” (paged 372).
The project to restore the Cheonggyecheon River has already existed in the mind of Lee. It was surprised, He and his team succeeded to restore the Cheonggyecheon River. Certainly there were many challenges form residents, sellers and others. It was the first step for Lee to make Seoul become green city. Other projects had been made by Lee were the town square with grass and make Seoul Phillharmonic Orchestra. Lee's term as Mayor of Seoul ended on June 30, 2006. Ridwan Kamil (The Mayor of Bandung, Indonesia) said that he got idea to restore some rivers in Bandung from Cheonggyecheon River.
The writer the novel that closed Lee was as Korean President at December 19th 2007. The date became a meaningful date because it coincided with the anniversary of lee and celebrating of his marriage.

There is a good quote for me as economic student
"Mr. Lee please you do not give us a lecture about economics. Our policy in consolidation of automobile industry based on objective reports written by scholars who had a degree in foreign countries and more credible about the world economy rather than you. So stop your lecture", said the official government at that time
 "I don't know exactly what the scholars think of me that they suggested consolidate, but I wanted you to know about business in reality and I wanted you to know which it would be successful or not.", refusal of the Hyundai Constrction represented by Lee (paged 194-195)

source : Myung-bak, Lee. 2011. Gerobak Lee Myung-bak. Jakarta; Pustaka Inspira. terjemahan 

3 komentar:

  1. pada kalimat "he and his wife went to Washington DC in 199 and learnt about bussines management" , dia ke DC tahun 1991 atau 1992 ?

    1. Beliau ke Washington DC tahun 1998. Terimakasih sudah mengingatkan.
      Saya juga menambahkan foto kondisi Sungai Cheonggyecheon sebelum dan sesudah direnovasi oleh Lee Myung-bak bersama timnya.

    2. wah, responnya cepet juga ternyata... terima kasih..
      terima kasih juga sudah menambahkan beberapa gambarnya


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